Thursday, May 24, 2012

Swimming Day Snow

Ready for any weather! Monday, it was 80 and sunshine!
Hopefully, you can click on the photo and see the snow coming down.
More snow in the high country. Who wants to go skiing?
Parker enjoys the new snowfall at camp this morning!
Notice the camp flag on the hillside and the dinner bell behind him?
Snow-capped peaks three days ago....
Same peaks this morning. Sorry, it's grainy from the zoom on my iPhone.

Ha ha.  They had swimming tests scheduled here at camp and actually thought they would get the kids and counselors in the swimming pool for transfer training.  Guess they figured a cold dip would give everybody a lot of energy! A counselor told me they refused to get into the frigid water, so they rescheduled that.  LOL

The two-day campers left at noon, so the camp is back to a quiet interval until we get about 50 campers with disabilities on Sunday at noon. It's "clean-up camp" activities this afternoon (nurses not included), but we're very busy with complaints of sore throats and requests to 'rest in our sick room". A good excuse to stay warm and get out of work.  LOL on that one too!  Ha ha ha  Our sick beds are full. We can't help it if the young counselors have a sore throat or cough.  :)

Tonight the other nurse is going back to Boulder early as her cousin is flying in to visit, so I'll be by myself tonight until time to HEAD HOME on Friday. 

Here are photos of the before and after today's snow in the high mountain peaks. Both taken from the same spot in the dining hall.

Take Care on the Journey,

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