Sunday, May 20, 2012

Day Three - Going on 353

For whatever reason, even though it's only Sunday night, and I got to camp on Friday at noon, it does seen like an eternity since I was at home scooting Caesar off my chair, signing on to my very own computer, listening to the purr of the dishwasher, and chatting happily with hubby.

Today, hubby drove up to camp for a little tour of my room before we took off for a small getaway and nice meal in a noisy mountain restaurant. We chatted about the pets and the kids, both of which are very important to our hearts, you know. Hugs and kisses and he was gone again. Homesick all over again too!!!!!!

Already, the counselors (about 50 of them - all about 20 years-old) are checking in with the nurses on a regular basis!  I'm trying to learn all their names!  Most of them know mine, of course!  Each person is unique and a special part of camp. Several have sinus troubles, a broken fingernail, or whatever excuse can bring them to the Medical Cabin. We have an excess of supplies because everyone like to donate to Easter Seals!

It's not been warm up here yet, but only a few minutes of ice and snow. Then the sun came out and made us forget all about the snow! Sunshine in the high mountains is clear, fresh, and pure!

Hubby worries that I'll not get enough to eat, but no worries, we have great meals cooked in the camp kitchen by "Dave", the cook. There's always cereal, juice and milk available day or night.  We get three hot meals and another snack every day at 3:15 whether we need it or not.  LOL

The view is breath-taking no matter which direction you look!  A high peaked, sloping mountain view to the north where you can glimpse a slow-flying eagle in the clouds. A snow-capped mountain peak to the west where the sun sends sparkling slivers of light every night. A jagged peak to the south where the mountain lion roams, and then downhill towards home to Denver in the east!

I have photos but the computer is too slow for uploading. I'm going to try my laptop when I can.

Tomorrow I'll tell you about the staff and people here at the Mountain Camp.

Take Care on the Journey,

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